Life's Finest Form is a poem I wrote last year. I was playing around with using personification in my writing, and this is what I came up with! I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, and I hope you enjoy. Let me know what you think!
Rising from the earth,
A majestic show of grace.
From bud to blooming
So her color projects
Vibrant as the sky by daylight.
Lengthening her limbs
Toward the light. Reaching for life
In its finest form.
She extends herself
To the sun and lets its’ warmth
Grow. Youth in cold spring
Aged by the summer fever,
Her petals wilt with
The knowledge of what’s to come.
Autumm graces us with his presence.
Golden brown leaves meet their end
As they drift down from their homes.
Through all the destruction
She sits and feels herself fade away
Losing her spirit as the
Icy fingertips of winter approach.
Wow, this is really beautiful, I can really envision the seasons as people :-) I feel like there's a lot of "movement" in this poem, in the sense of the art concept of "movement" ("Our paints cannot physically move, but we can paint in a way which gives the illusion or suggestion of movement. This typically involves arranging shapes in a way which leads the viewer from one point to the next in your painting; or using certain techniques with your brush to mimic the movement."
It's hard to explain :-) anyhow, this was a great read!!